Venue & Accommodation

Bildungshaus Kloster Schöntal, Klosterhof 6, 74214 Schöntal
Tel: 07943 894 0
A shuttle bus will connect from/to Würzburg train main station to/from Kloster Schöntal. You will receive all further information during the registration process.
For the comfort of staying directly on-site and for lively discussions outside the workshop area, we have reserved single and double rooms at Kloster Schöntal. If you would like on-site accommodation, please indicate on your registration form which kind of room you would like to book. Variation in the room rates will be considered in the registration fee. We kindly ask you to agree on sharing a room with a workshop participant of the same gender, so that more workshop participants have the possibility to stay close to the workshop venue. If possible, please indicate on your registration form the name of a participant with whom you are already familiar (e. g. a colleague at work) and with whom you have agreed to share a room. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!